Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jumping Frog Handle Mugs at Save The Frogs

Thanks go out to Dr. Kerry Kriger for sending us this photo form Save the Frogs offices in Santa Cruz, California.

Save The Frogs is America's first and only public charity dedicated to amphibian conservation. Our mission is to protect amphibian populations and to promote a society that respects and appreciates nature and wildlife.

Save The Frogs Day is* April 28th 2012 (http://savethefrogs.com/day)

Save The Frogs Day is* April 28th 2012 (http://savethefrogs.com/day)


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jumping Frog Handle Mug sees Manhattan, New York, USA

Country frog comes to Manhattan!

Here he is riding down Manhattan's West Side Drive.

There is so much to see!

Maybe he'll run into Kermit! We all know Kermit still "loves" Manhattan! I've told my frog (no, frogs do not have ears, but they can hear) that Kermit and The Muppets crew are doing a new movie! We can't wait to see it!

We would like very much to hear from any Jumping Frog Handle Mug frog cousins that live here in Manhattan. Email us at funkwarepots@yahoo.com and we'll post your messages and any photos you send on the blog.

As Kermit says, "I'm staying! You hear that, New York? THE FROG IS STAYING!"